2021 review / 2022 plans

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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Nefarious »

Nefarious wrote: Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:56 pm
Nefarious wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:39 pm
Last year Nefarious wrote: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:17 am I really can't moan about 2018. In retrospect, it will maybe be remembered as the year when it all started to come together:
- The property count reached double figures with a nice little project in February (mean flat, but great yield, and came with a free garage :-)). Critical mass has really helped calm my anxiety over the true long-term sustainability of my "retirement". Experience gained has also allowed me to start doing contract jobs too, which are fun, easy and give a nice bit of pocket money.
- The racing podiums started to come. Who'd've thought that it might be tricky for a couple of 30-something blokes with no experience to turn up and beat pro teams in factory-supported cars? Well, now five years in, and unlikely as it may seem, it's starting to happen.
- I finally made some proper progress with the climbing. After a couple of years stuck around the 6b level, I decided that a bigger effort was required. Helped by the best partner I've ever had, by July I was touching 7a level, which really opens up lots of exciting outdoor opportunities. Unfortunately, a couple of injuries later in the year saw things slide a bit, but even that's got a silver lining, as it's got me into pilates and a far better understanding of how my body actually works (including why MMA fighting isn't the sport for me ;-)).
- My friend got better. I've watched my good friend Barry (ex-racing team manager who I share garage space with) deteriorate in his health quite significantly over the last couple of years. Twice I've seen him taken away in ambulances with suspected heart attacks, and seen him spend long periods too tired to even make it out of his own flat - but the quacks just couldn't get to the bottom of it. In December this year, some bright spark took another look at his ECGs and realised it was an electrical problem. He had a pacemaker fitted (under local, in a morning), and was at a gym class three days later.

Plans for 2019:
Well, I'm just going to take it as it comes. Opportunities for fun and productive shit seem to be flowing quite readily at the moment. Cars, boats, and hovercraft will all undoubtedly feature and I've every intention of getting back to where I was on the climbing wall once I shake a niggling elbow issue. Will definitely do some more contract building work. I've had some interest from the hovercraft company to develop a turbocharged version of their standard engine, which would be entertaining for a few weeks if it comes off. Who knows, but bring it on ;-)
Well, some of that happened, some less so.
Big feature of the year was a massive contract job - bare brick renovation of am Edwardian house. 19 weeks working on it before it all went a bit sour at the end when the client ran out of money. Bit sad not to have got the "wow" moment at the end (stopped with 10 days to go), and it's never nice to leave a personal relationship on less than amicable terms, but it was ridiculously lucrative, and gained loads of new skills and experience.
Racing went pretty well this year too - 2nd place in the championship with a couple of outright wins - far better than could really have been hoped for really, and unlikely to ever be matched (if I'm honest about my true skill level!). Still, it's nice to be able to mark it up in the history books and tell the grandkids I was at least once competent.
Climbing hasn't been fantastic - I've been pretty much entirely without a decent partner - but at least I've maintained a level around the 6b+/6c mark, so maybe 2020 will be the year the 7a finally tumbles
Hovercraft and boat still has been a bit of a damp squib, TBH. After all the hype and excitement at the beginning of the year, the arctic trip is looking decreasingly likely to ever happen. Mostly because TV people are money-grabbing, lying cunts who would happily see me drown/freeze if it made for better ratings. Shame after so much effort has been expended on it, but I'm still looking forward to getting the Big Red Bastard running properly and scooting across the Firth of Forth for fish and chips.

I guess 2020 will be more of the same. Got some ideas for next season's racing, so maybe I can maintain my competitiveness. Got some vague plans around other property stuff which may or may not come to anything depending on luck and money. Need to keep on top of the fitness/activity thing, as motivation has slipped a bit in recent months. We'll just have to see how it goes...
All a bit predictable for 2020, given circumstances.
Work-wise, not much doing on the contract front, although a couple of minor kitchen/bathroom jobs paid for this years racing. On the letting front it's been a case of damage limitation - at the beginning of first lockdown, I mentally wrote off £15k, but am now very pleased to report that, thanks to my tenants mostly being decent human beings, it was nothing like that bad. One slight annoyance was the latest purchase falling through in March, and failure to find an alternative in a rising market. Still hoping for a softening of demand in Q1 2021 to bring prices back down within reach without the need for more financing. Still, I can't really complain about rising prices with a dozen properties already in the bag.
Racing was errr...emotional. The club cancelled our season, and I kinda ended up being the custodian of single-seater racing in Scotland. Learned a lot about the politics of the game, and at least got to go racing a bit, even if mechanical misfortune kept any decent results out of reach. And then, of course, there was Colin's accident. Still remains to be seen what impact that will have on my long term future in racing.
Climbing has been a bit of an unexpected high. I really expected that months out of the game would have busted me back a couple of grades at least, but I obviously did something right during lockdown, and I returned to find my upper body strength the best its ever been, and that elusive 7a realistically within reach.
Hovercraft and boats have seen a very poor showing this year, with absolutely zero progress on either front. I think we'll be moving to get the Red Bastard sold on ASAP, but the boat should hopefully see some action this year, even if just in support of the e-boat project.

As far as goals for 2021 are concerned, its a bit difficult to know what's realistically going to be possible.
I'd like to get another flat bought ASAP, then more of the same on the work front.
I'm already in fairly hardcore training for the next assault on the climbing wall, but that's all reliant on my motivation holding up long enough to see the climbing centres open again...we'll see.
Racing-wise, it'll be another tough year fighting to keep the championship alive. Been toying with the idea of doing a couple of arrive-and-drives just to have a go at a different flavour of motorsport in preparation for my eventual retirement. Again, will just play it by ear.
Basically, the aim overall is for a holding position across the board, and if I can snaffle a couple of little wins along the way, that'd be nice.
Looking back, 2021 lockdown took a bigger toll on my year that the 2020 one did - most of the first 5 months of the year could pretty accurately be described as the "holding pattern" I predicted at the end of 2020. Domestic stuff, various crafty projects, and physical training. All kinda fine, but looking back, I think the semi-isolation and lack of bigger-ticket achievement took a bit of a toll on me.
The other big feature of the year was the renovation of the house in London. Very different from the way I'm used to working in that I wasn't there in person and was managing the project between three different contractors remotely. It was a big mistake and really should have put my crew in a van and just committed to staying down there for a month. As it was, it felt like I worked harder, was more stressed, and the project took 3 months instead of 1 and costs spiraled to about double what they should have been. Lesson learned. If you want a job doing properly....
Elsewhere around work, I had a nice 6-week contract job that paid the year's racing budget, added two new properties to the portfolio (even though my predicted softening of the market never happened), and passed the threshold where some of the property stuff needs to move into a limited company. All fairly solid progress.
Racing-wise, it's been a funny old year. I had previously been running the Formula Ford show in Scotland, but after my friend Colin's accident in November 2020, I took the very conscious decision that I didn't want to be the man in charge. Enough work had been done in 2020 that I was able to hand the whole shooting match over to the racing club with a list of promises to ensure that we got a full season of racing in 2021. My own season was fairly poor - dogged by a mystery damper problem that it took all year to identify - but somehow managed to secure 2nd place in the championship for the second time.
The biggest event of the racing year was getting involved with the Minis (thanks Scott!). I was initially a bit reluctant, but it seemed like a good idea to have a plan-b in case the Formula ford situation deteriorated. As it turns out, it's been an enormously fun and satisfying new challenge, culminating in the Race of Remembrance, which was one of the most eye-opening, intense and rewarding things I've ever been involved in. The fact that we're now a 2-car team with plans for a full season of sprint races and multiple endurance events speaks volumes. Boat and hovercraft have both now gone to make room for more racecars!
Health and fitness has, on paper, been fantastic. Being stuck in the house for so long, general adherence to a good diet and re-discovering my push bike got me to the best physical shape of my life somewhere around August/September, which I'm really pleased about. However, the lack of climbing opportunities and the ongoing absence of a decent partner has meant that all that training hasn't actually translated into any measurable results - which was the original aim of the exercise!

So, plans for 2022.
Business-wise, I'm back in growth mode. Now my daughter has her heart set of 7 years at medical school, some fairly big demands on my income are on their way, so I'm going to get my head down now to add an extra £30ish-k to the rental revenue.
Racing-wise, it's going to be busy! Full season of FF, 2/3 of a season of Modsports in the Minis, and 3-ish endurance events.
Health and fitness-wise, same as previous years - head down now for the next couple of months with a view to really getting back on the climbing horse by March/April.
And, you know, just try and be a bit happier :-)
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Jimmy Choo »


My family escaped the worst of Covid in 21. My aunt who is clinically vulnerable managed to survive infection without hospitalisation. The kids are doing well at School. Oldest is loving his video games design course at college, middle son is in the top 10 in his year for attitude. Youngest is a gifted and talented gobshite who is displaying some worrying tendencies of only child entitlement from how his mum dotes on him. It's hard on him because he's smarter than the average 9 year old but it's easy to forget he's emotionally a 9 year old. His Mum will be moving in with her boyfriend next year and moving to Tetbury so that's going to upset him a bit and mean a change to his routine. The boyfriend is a lovely guy and Toby loves him so I'm happy for Toby and sorry for the boyfriend but it's his turn to suffer, obviously. :lol:


Mental health and recovering from wrist surgery limited the work I did in '21. The rewiring and plastering can wait another year and instead I'll focus on getting the place to an acceptable standard. I'm constantly amazed at the shortcuts the previous owners have done in the house. This year the big project will be lifting the lounge floor and suspending some insulation under it and then sanding and varnishing the beautiful wood floors that have been hidden under the shitty laminate.


The company I work for is in the process of being taken over by Adecco. Nothing will happen before May but there's a risk that they'll just absorb the UK business into an existing part of their company so it could be a tricky time. I'm happy ticking over where I am, especially as I really like working from home.


The jag is as reliable as an Italian car. It starts and stops under it's own power but has many interesting niggles. I love how comfortable it is and how capable it is at eating up miles. It's remarkably chuckable too being relatively light. It's a lovely place to be and I can only imagine replacing it with another XJ or XF at the moment.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Gavster »

Sundayjumper wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:32 pm
Pete_ wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:27 pm Getting a one way ticket to a hot country didn't happen, but I have requested that work give me a three month sabbatical in the autumn. I'd like to go to South / Central America but haven't yet put much more thought into it than that.
Paging @Gavster.....
Hola amigos!

Latin America is pretty awesome, I spent a lot of time there in 2018/19, starting in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, then travelling down through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Finally settled in Medellin and rented an apartment for a few months to write a book. I would highly recommend the whole experience, plus many of the other countries which I didn't visit further South, as well as in Central America, for instance Belize is supposed to be lovely and Nicaragua too.

For three months you're gonna have to make a choice between the pace of your trip and number of countries visited. I find around a month per country is good at a leisurely pace, but you could smash through somewhere in 2 weeks or less if you really wanted to keep moving and had planned everything carefully in advance.

Peru was one of the highlights, because it's got everything from cosmopolitan cities through to sandy dunes/beaches, snow capped mountain trails, dense jungle, as well as brilliant food culture. If you're into hiking look up the Huayhuash Trail and your mind will be blown. If you're into personal development then head to one of the retreats in the Amazon basin and spend a week or two drinking Ayahuasca in a tree house. Lastly, there's a very special way to leave Peru, which is via Iquitos, a large jungle town that's disconnected from the rest of Peru by road. It's only accessible by boat or plane and has an amazing dodgy market selling monkeys, turtle meat, guns etc, then you jump on a boat (either an industrial, goods boat - 2 days on a hammock, or a tourist catamaran - 12 hours) and sail up the Amazon river to the intersection between Brazil, Colombia and Peru. You'll then have a choice which country you want to go into next.

Colombia is super cool too, the people are amazing and there's lots of music, parties, all kinds of stuff going on. Coffee is fantastic too, obvs. Medellin is a very cosmopolitan city, which is why I chose to live there, it's got everything you need, but as a tourist it's a 2 day stop to see the ex-drug trade stuff and Comuna 13 which was one of the most violent neighbourhoods ever.

They're all pretty amazing and bloody enormous too. Mexico is absolutely enormous. I still want to go back to visit Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina etc. You'll enjoy wherever you go, just be careful not to get shot or robbed too many times.

Also, start learning some Spanish now. Because most of the LatAm countries speak the same language, spoken English is not so common, so the ability to buy bus tickets, go shopping and order food in Spanish will be a huge boost when you land.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Gavster »

2021 Was a massive fucking pile of steaming donkey shite. After 2020's tumultuous decline, I hoped that 2021 would improve, but the reality was not so. Worked my ass off all year for very little return or success. Managed to run an innovative little machine learning/knowledge graph project funded by UKRI which stepped on some high ranking toes, who promptly slapped me down (in that underhand, unspoken, professional way) which has learned me a lot. Also got funding from WBCSD at the end of the year to start up a non-profit so at least I've got a 'charity' to my LinkedIn profit now. Diversified into a few side hustles with varying success. Got back together with an ex, which has proved to be a nice thing so far. Just submitted a court claim against my neighbours, so home life is a somewhat unstable too.

2022 Goals: Smash through the courts and see if it's possible to wrap that up by the end of the year, build on the relationship with my partner, and re-orient my business goals to serve my followers/clients and myself, with a renewed and total lack of trust for anyone else in business.

The irony is that you lot aren't really cunts, it's the people who are over friendly and positive that turn out to be the real cunts.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Ascender »

Last couple of years have been tough mentally and physically after knee surgery stopped me running and being in the hills followed by what is now looking like long covid. Trying to get back in to some sort of decent training now that the cardiologist is happy, get fit and lose the weight I've gained after 3 years or so of not being able to do what I love doing. Its difficult with the ongoing symptoms though so need to see what happens when I up the distances.

Kids are growing up way too quickly, so hopefully get some quality time away with them on some holidays this year as my boy will be leaving home before I know it.

Work-wise I've got some interesting contracts for this year which is good.

Mrs Mike is over halfway through her nursing degree and is absolutely crushing it.

Hopefully get our house plans in to the planning process in the next couple of weeks - plan being to move up north and expand the family croft and see what new directions we can take it in.

@Gavster- That last point you've posted is so true. Hope to finally put something like that behind me and never trust friends like that ever again.

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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by ZedLeg »

Doesn’t look like I wrote anything last year, which makes sense as I was having a shocker :lol:.

The last year has been alright all things being considered though.

Stayed off the booze for another year.

Moved house to a better area for us in April

Haven’t managed to lose the weight I put on in 2020 but I haven’t put anymore on so I’m counting it as a plus :lol:.

Been a lot of big changes at work this year with the owners selling out to an investment firm who have restructured extensively. I’ve moved into a new role, my fourth or fifth since I started with them. Currently negotiating what should be a substantial pay rise. I’ve really settled into to working from home now too. Only been in the office a handful of times.

This year is just going to be about keeping it steady. My life has been pretty chaotic the last few years and I could do with a bit of boring.

Going to concentrate on getting my fitness back. Also start reading again. I’ve barely read at all since I started working from home, I hadn’t realised how much of my reading was done on trains.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Gavster »

Ascender wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:56 am @Gavster- That last point you've posted is so true. Hope to finally put something like that behind me and never trust friends like that ever again.
Hope you get through it quickly and can move on. Over the holiday (whilst nursing a fractured cuboid bone in my foot) I've read Robert Greene's The 48 Laws of Power and every part of the 'situation' I experienced now makes perfect sense in the context of those laws.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Gavster »

ZedLeg wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:57 am Doesn’t look like I wrote anything last year, which makes sense as I was having a shocker :lol:.


Also start reading again. I’ve barely read at all since I started working from home, I hadn’t realised how much of my reading was done on trains.
Dude, these two parts are probably linked. Starting a daily practice like morning pages can really help to get the writing muscle working again. Also audiobooks are worth a try as they can fit into home life when cooking etc.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by ZedLeg »

Yeah, I tried audiobooks but I couldn’t really get into it. I think I just have to specifically decide to pick up a book, it’s too easy to just flop onto the couch and put on Netflix or pick up a game controller.

Need to get away from staring at screens all day.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by DeskJockey »

Gavster wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:42 pm
ZedLeg wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:57 am Doesn’t look like I wrote anything last year, which makes sense as I was having a shocker :lol:.


Also start reading again. I’ve barely read at all since I started working from home, I hadn’t realised how much of my reading was done on trains.
Dude, these two parts are probably linked. Starting a daily practice like morning pages can really help to get the writing muscle working again. Also audiobooks are worth a try as they can fit into home life when cooking etc.
Reading is incredibly important to me. My bedtime routine for as long as I can remember have been to read. Sometimes a few pages, sometimes for hours (at least when I was younger). It is rare that I don't read at all in the evening (usually happens when I've either had something to drink or am away with one or more of the children in the same room).

I generally stop when the book hits my face or I realise I've tried to read the same paragraph more than twice and failed. It is incredible how much the escapism helps keep me happy.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by dinny_g »

2021 was an oddly mixed bag but a fundamental success. We:

- Sold old rental property which was turning into a bit of an albatross. Massive costs looming large (potentially I should say. We didn’t sell on the place knowing there were issues etc. and buyer had full structural survey done). First buyer fucked us around but second was a dream.

- bought brilliant house in the area we wanted. Vendor was cool and didn’t try to profit from our issues. House is now ‘valued’ at £45k more than we paid which will help the already healthy LTV when new mortgage comes up

- I got on top of my mental health, finally, after coping for years. 20 sessions of counselling did wonders. Not completely there and will probably do another 10 this year but it’s been a godsend

- managed to keep COVID at bay. Got back to Ireland to see my folks in August but didn’t get to see my niece due to their family isolating.

Only major downside to 2021 is I’ve put on a load of weight. It turns out that Depression and Anxiety is great for your wasteline… :lol: bit weight can be lost again and it’s a small price to pay for my mental health.

Got stuff to do in 2022 - some probably major dental work I’ve been putting off and I’m going through some health stuff related to high blood pressure which will mean lifestyle changes but compared to 2019 to 2022, life is good

Edit - couple of bits I forgot.

Work is proving very difficult. New boss and I are struggling to see eye to eye. They’re very much “from the text book” and despite doing my best to do what they want, I’m not sure they value me at all. I’ve also been assigned a poison chalice responsibility that isn’t even my role - despite my protestations. I can see a change in 2022

We’ve also gone down to being a one car family. We now live within walking distance from work so there’s really no need for 2. An extra £350 in the pocket each month which is useful
Last edited by dinny_g on Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
JLv3.0 wrote: Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:26 pm I say this rarely Dave, but listen to Dinny because he's right.
Rich B wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 1:57 pm but Dinny was right…
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by mr_jon »

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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Pete_ »

Gavster wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:24 am
Sundayjumper wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:32 pm
Pete_ wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:27 pm Getting a one way ticket to a hot country didn't happen, but I have requested that work give me a three month sabbatical in the autumn. I'd like to go to South / Central America but haven't yet put much more thought into it than that.
Paging @Gavster.....
Hola amigos!

Latin America is pretty awesome, I spent a lot of time there in 2018/19, starting in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, then travelling down through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Finally settled in Medellin and rented an apartment for a few months to write a book. I would highly recommend the whole experience, plus many of the other countries which I didn't visit further South, as well as in Central America, for instance Belize is supposed to be lovely and Nicaragua too.

For three months you're gonna have to make a choice between the pace of your trip and number of countries visited. I find around a month per country is good at a leisurely pace, but you could smash through somewhere in 2 weeks or less if you really wanted to keep moving and had planned everything carefully in advance.

Peru was one of the highlights, because it's got everything from cosmopolitan cities through to sandy dunes/beaches, snow capped mountain trails, dense jungle, as well as brilliant food culture. If you're into hiking look up the Huayhuash Trail and your mind will be blown. If you're into personal development then head to one of the retreats in the Amazon basin and spend a week or two drinking Ayahuasca in a tree house. Lastly, there's a very special way to leave Peru, which is via Iquitos, a large jungle town that's disconnected from the rest of Peru by road. It's only accessible by boat or plane and has an amazing dodgy market selling monkeys, turtle meat, guns etc, then you jump on a boat (either an industrial, goods boat - 2 days on a hammock, or a tourist catamaran - 12 hours) and sail up the Amazon river to the intersection between Brazil, Colombia and Peru. You'll then have a choice which country you want to go into next.

Colombia is super cool too, the people are amazing and there's lots of music, parties, all kinds of stuff going on. Coffee is fantastic too, obvs. Medellin is a very cosmopolitan city, which is why I chose to live there, it's got everything you need, but as a tourist it's a 2 day stop to see the ex-drug trade stuff and Comuna 13 which was one of the most violent neighbourhoods ever.

They're all pretty amazing and bloody enormous too. Mexico is absolutely enormous. I still want to go back to visit Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina etc. You'll enjoy wherever you go, just be careful not to get shot or robbed too many times.

Also, start learning some Spanish now. Because most of the LatAm countries speak the same language, spoken English is not so common, so the ability to buy bus tickets, go shopping and order food in Spanish will be a huge boost when you land.
That's very helpful, thank you!

When I've travelled before I've always try to go to as many places as possible, but that's something I want to avoid the temptation to do too much of on this trip. A good friend of mine has been living in Medellin for the last three years, so that's that's an obvious place for me to start. I'd like to do the tourist stuff in Peru, Machu Picchu etc, in Peru and then head to Central America to spend some time on some sort of volunteer project eco villiage or something where I can be a part of a community rather than being a lone traveller. I hadn't heard about the amazon basin retreats but have looked at the websites of a couple and they look bliss* so am definitely adding that to my list.

Yep I'll get started on the Spanish ASAP!

Edit: having looked more into Ayahuasca it doesn't look bliss it looks shit scary! Did you do that @Gavster and how was your experience?
Last edited by Pete_ on Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Foz »

Big plans for 2022

Will see 😂
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by dinny_g »

mr_jon wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:50 pmCouch?
Arrived New Years Eve. Super comfy. Very happy with it :lol:
JLv3.0 wrote: Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:26 pm I say this rarely Dave, but listen to Dinny because he's right.
Rich B wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 1:57 pm but Dinny was right…
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by McSwede »

2021 was another good year personally and for my family. I had another successful year at work, the only fly in the ointment was the delay of my promotion. This was down to some board level changes within our parent company delaying stuff followed then by some director level change within our business that swallowed up the final 4 months. The good news is that all these changes should be positive for me. I've been getting a lot more time with the board on various projects so the new role should be completed very shortly 🤞🤞 (can't wait to read this bit in 12 months😂)

The wife managed two promotions this year and is now head of UK sales. She's done really well whilst also dealing with me and our annoying child 😁

Change of car happened in Nov which has been spoken about elsewhere. Trip to the in laws place just didn't happen so we'll see about this year. Also need to visit the BiL in Morzine as they have finished renovating their place this year. Also have work trips booked to Frankfurt and Magaluf with customers. All these are COVID permitting so let's see what happens.

We did plenty of stuff to the house in 21 and have more to do this year as funds allow. New staircase is in and awaiting oil/wax then some painting and decorating follow by carpet for the stairs and landing. Also will need to rip out the kitchen and refloor through there and into the family room (conservatory replacement completed June 21) so it's all one level and matching. This is the most expensive but so let's see what happens with saving and bonuses in 2022.

On top of all this we have managed to stay COVID free despite me attending quite a few functions including a packed nightclub in December. Family all well too so life appears to be good. Let's hope it stays well for 22.

Forgot to add that I've run fairly consistently through 21, lost weight and felt great but I stopped mid-Nov as I had quiet a few nights out with customers in the run up to Crimbo. Also hoovered up tons of snacks and chocolate and too much booze which means I'm feeling almost as fat as when I started running. I'll be starting again in the morning!
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Gavster »

McSwede wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:23 pm Forgot to add that I've run fairly consistently through 21, lost weight and felt great
Thanks for the reminder, it's one thing I'm very grateful for. In 2021 I've been as fit as ever, nailed a good 5k time at the start of the year and then worked on body strength exercises for the rest of the year, whilst keeping 15-25 miles a week running. Learned to handstand, cartwheel and do a front flip too, basically keeping my health and fitness at a high level all the time. Until I broke my foot last week, which is just a temporary setback, I managed to cycle to and from the hospital to get it checked :lol:. 2022 plans are to continue in the same theme.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by McSwede »

Gavster wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:35 am
McSwede wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:23 pm Forgot to add that I've run fairly consistently through 21, lost weight and felt great
Thanks for the reminder, it's one thing I'm very grateful for. In 2021 I've been as fit as ever, nailed a good 5k time at the start of the year and then worked on body strength exercises for the rest of the year, whilst keeping 15-25 miles a week running. Learned to handstand, cartwheel and do a front flip too, basically keeping my health and fitness at a high level all the time. Until I broke my foot last week, which is just a temporary setback, I managed to cycle to and from the hospital to get it checked :lol:. 2022 plans are to continue in the same theme.
Good effort. I'd got about half way through a 10k training program when I stopped in mid-Nov so need to get back at it. I'm only averaging 10min miles so not very fast but that's so much better than the unfit mess that I was prior to starting.

Just going out now for a couple of miles to get started. Let's hope my heart doesn't explode 🤞😂
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Gavster »

McSwede wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:45 am Good effort. I'd got about half way through a 10k training program when I stopped in mid-Nov so need to get back at it. I'm only averaging 10min miles so not very fast but that's so much better than the unfit mess that I was prior to starting.

Just going out now for a couple of miles to get started. Let's hope my heart doesn't explode 🤞😂
Hope it went well :) since I got into my forties I stopped worrying about pace, unless it's actually a race. It makes running way more enjoyable
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by McSwede »

Gavster wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:37 am
McSwede wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:45 am Good effort. I'd got about half way through a 10k training program when I stopped in mid-Nov so need to get back at it. I'm only averaging 10min miles so not very fast but that's so much better than the unfit mess that I was prior to starting.

Just going out now for a couple of miles to get started. Let's hope my heart doesn't explode 🤞😂
Hope it went well :) since I got into my forties I stopped worrying about pace, unless it's actually a race. It makes running way more enjoyable
Ha. Yes it was uneventful. It was bloody hard work and goes to show how far you regress during a 6 week break. Just need to get back into the habit properly now and regain that lost fitness.
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