2020 review / 2021 plans

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2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by McSwede »

I'd started waffling in the Resolutions thread and thought it'd be better in a new one.....

Don't do NYR's but his year I will be focussing on work again and will hopefully see some Covid delayed career progression. I've had a really successful 2020 and want to continue how I left off. 2020 was my most enjoyable year so far. As crazy as it's been it has presented all sorts of opportunities for me. When most of company was furloughed the directors kept me in, so I've been way more involved in business critical stuff and decision making. This has allowed me to show what I can do and given me visability with our group board of directors. Managed to land a couple of big deals before Crimbo too, which went down well.

The nearest I'll get to a resolution is to crack on with running. I started the Couch 2 5K thing but haven't stuck to it quite as rigidly as I should have. I've completed the 3x25min runs now and am starting week 8 if 3 X 28min runs. Amazing really considering how out of shape I have been this year. Laziness, beer/food and big workload have seen me be the most unfit I've ever been. I've really enjoyed the running and need to keep it up. Also need to lay off the food and drink so much and shift some weight.

We moved house at the end of Feb 2020 so have plenty to do that work has got in the way of. Starts with birding a large section of loft next weekend as I've ordered a loft lift kit from loftzone as this'll free up some space in my garage.

The shoffice project needs to take shape this year so I need to start doodling some designs and work out what materials I need to order. I've got an odd shaped space to fill between the garage and one of the boundaries. This'll help me regain a bedroom and have a little man cave in which I can work away from the house and also use as a bolt hole for when wife and child are getting on my tits 😂

M140i will go back in September 😭😭 so a hybrid of some sort will be on the cards. The only bit of upside is the £350 a month save on BIK which will be nice. Hopefully a little Scottish road trip will happen before the car goes back too.

Family holiday on the Broads is booked for April but who knows if that'll happen??? Will also try get out to my FiL's place near Carcassonne for a cheeky 7-10 days if the opportunity arises (also another chance for a blast in the M140i).

2021 will be continuing to keep the family safe and keeping an eye on the Parental's. Let's see what the year brings.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by duncs500 »

I'll come back to this thread, but for those that posted last year, see link too see how you got on: Clicky
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by McSwede »

duncs500 wrote: Wed Dec 30, 2020 6:41 pm I'll come back to this thread, but for those that posted last year, see link too see how you got on: Clicky
Re: 2019 - A Year In Review & Plans for 2020
Post Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:13 pm

I can't be arsed to look back at 2019 but for 2020 it goes as follows and in no particular order.

New home a little nearer the family and somewhere we can walk to shops, pubs, restaurants etc... Done and all boxes ticked
Promotion and more income Delayed and forthcoming 🤞
Get MX5 back on the road (been far too long!) Done
Get fitter and lose weight Got fatter not fitter 😂
Spank the M140i some more!! Hopefully a good blat around Scotland. Didn't manage Scotland but spanked it hard.
Nice family holidays Bloody Covid
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by RobYob »

Well. In relation to last year's ambitions.

Job. Went fucking sideways bigstyle with all contractors thrown under the bus in March and then unthrown when the govt delayed IR35 for a year.... Then we were stood down. Automotive industry went into survival mode and between the stand down (with self furloughing) and then contract ending in October I've probably only had the equivalent of six months proper work.

We'd saved for a long trip home to Aus to celebrate Mum's 80th. That obviously didn't happen and those savings were consumed while I enjoyed far too much time off.

Now nearly completed my second month of being a postman which, if it wasn't for the collosal pay cut I'd be quite happy to take up longer term. 10kgs lost already and I feel fitter than I have in a very very long time. If I'm lucky the post work will see me through til I find some engineering work again. First interview of the year is next week. Although being back working away a lot will be sad compared to the last year.

The true sanity saving grace of 2020 has been or terrific local karate club which put on great virtual classes and then enabled a fast tracked and intense series of gradings that has me now at Brown and hopefully still on track for Black in mid-2022.

Let's hope for a good 2021 all round.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by DeskJockey »

I stated three goals in the previous thread:
* Exercise more - a slight improvement overall, but nothing like what it should be.
* Advance career - tick. As of November I'm managing a team of nine.
* Look after family - massive tick. But then, who hasn't this year?

I'll call it 2.25/3.

Don't know about 2021. Want to see my sister and my dad if we can travel, Friday it'll be a year to the day since I saw them last.

Keep looking after the family, make the most of the situation we find ourselves in.

Buy an electric car.

Probably do some stuff to the house. Replace the last of the old windows, rip up the decking and have it replaced.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by mr_jon »

Got my first 2020 10k out of the way this morning, with a decent PB! Smug mode engaged.

Generally 2020 will be pushing my fitness further, stay gainfully employed, pay off mortgage end of April. Something about being a good husband & dad, too :lol:
Not doing too badly although most events were cancelled this year. Down to a 48min 10k which is probably as far as I can go without losing 10KG. We finally have a really nice indoor bike so have been enjoying that and encouraging the missus who has enjoyed her Peloton subs. Mortgage is gone, still work to do on being a good husband & dad.

2021 I'm not setting any goals for, other than starting some renovation works on the house.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by V8Granite »

Do the trips I want to do in the 500e once the paint and suspension work is finished, should be all done by April.

Monaco, Nurburgring, chase the sun, a Scottish drive etc.

Then hopefully decide I can sell it and buy a 911 by the end of the year and modify it lots and lots.

Work wise, hopefully someone good buys Bergen Engines and I can have a good year as I rather enjoy working for them.

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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Matty »

Single goal from last year - Get a new job. Done 8-)

This year...don't die from CV, I guess?
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by 16vCento »

I got a new job with the same company I've been with 12 years in 2019, meant kits of travelling all over the place which I've really enjoyed, also got more time to spend at home due to higher holiday allowances as well as travelling allowances which is absolutely superb.

2020 has meant its come to a bit of a halt.

Last went abroad in February to Dallas, think I caught covid on the journey either there or back and ended up in hospital on my return.

Not felt right since then, looking forward to my antibody test to see either way!

Job seems to be safe, really great chaps I'm working with and its a great team.

Had hoped to move this year into a forever home but again, Covid stopped that.

Didn't plan on any car changes other than removing the 308. Ended up buying g a R50 Cooper for 300 quid, swapping that for a Discovery 3, loved the Disco then had to sell it due to changing circumstances, then the S60 is going which I never planned on and the 308 is finally going as well!

S60 replaced with XFS if this weekend goes to plan, and 308 with 3008 which means all ends well.

Dad has just had a massive pioneering op which has gone well, and means he should be back to fighting fit next year. It means I need to do a lot more for my parents and grandparents, as only my Dad drives so I'll need to do all their shopping, take them places like the doctors etcs, which under normal circumstances would be fine, but again, covid means its a bit tricky trying to keep them safe.

I tried getting them to do online shopping but they can't get on with it, I'm happy to go do it for them, gets me out for an hour and I get to have a socially distanced chat from their garden with them.

So hopefully next year, all I want is everyone as well as they can be, work back up and running something like, maybe a move and I'd like a professional haircut again 😂
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Simon »

I was due to be Brazil around May/June this year to see extended family and in Vegas for work in March '21; obviously both of those got canned. Obviously the idea of any other family holidays got canned too, meaning that I crashed into December of this year with 3 weeks of annual leave remaining, and feeling pretty exhausted. Took two for Chrimbo and carried one over to next year. I can't deny that 2020 has taken its toll on me emotionally, what with parents in their mid 70's who I've been avoiding most of the year and my friends who've hunkered down till it's all over. I haven't seen any of my friends in the flesh since last year and that's hard going.

And the extended family have been causing us all kind of stress and drama too, some obviously through no fault of their own. My little nephew was born very premature and spent weeks in baby ICU (don't know what the word for it is over there). He's home and safe now though. Another brother-in-law mowed down a motorcyclist at a junction by failing to yield priority correctly. He's now being sued by the other party amongst claims that he can't use his foot any more. That's actually a small mercy considering he spent over a week in a coma after the accident.

Finally work; My office was closed for good in October - a decision made even without the effects of Covid apparently. Mgmt said that we just weren't using it enough to justify the cost of keeping it. All of us based there were given the option of moving to a WFH contract or being reassigned to our London office. Naturally as people who wanted to be assigned to London would've already done so when it opened a few years ago, just about all of us opted for WFH. Whilst that sounds cosy, I really liked my 3 way mix of office/WFH/client-visits before. Being socially isolated from everyone in the company since March (when we started full time WFH due to Covid) has been hard and the only time I'll see my colleagues in person now will either be at client meetings or the rare in-person team meeting.

Looking forward to 2021, I've long since learnt that resolutions are best not uttered by me, as that's a sure fire way of not achieving them. BUT, I do need to find someone I can trust to decorate the house (as we just don't have time), we want to move house if something suitable comes up, and finally get properly started on my F.I.R.E. goals. If I reach this time next year having achieved 2/3 of those then I'll be happy.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Rich B »

2020 has gone fine, some good and bad stuff, but tbh I just want to go out and get pissed in a pub with my mates.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by dinny_g »

Only major achievement was losing the last of my target weight loss. I now weight less than when I came to England 23 years ago. 8-)

4 Stones lost in total in just under 5 years. 10” off my waist.

Other than that, kept my job and didn’t have a nervous breakdown so with the year that’s been, I suppose that’s an achievement too :lol:
JLv3.0 wrote: Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:26 pm I say this rarely Dave, but listen to Dinny because he's right.
Rich B wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 1:57 pm but Dinny was right…
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Beany »

I didn't contribute to that last thread, but honestly this year has been a shitshow from start to end. Depression and lockdowns != a good time for me.

This thread is better than mine :lol: but from that:
I have to get a new job. With that will almost certainly come a pay bump, which will mostly go towards clearing old debts (which are well under control but making me financially tighter than I like).

It'll also almost certainly come with a company that understands what rotas and cover is/are, so that I'm not on call 24/7 all the time, which is definitely impacting me more than I'd like to admit to myself.

I mean, sort those two things out and I can start pretending I'm an actual person again. Imagine that.

Spent most of this afternoon drafting changes to my CV and making the utter shite I've been doing the last four years sound vaguely career relevant....quite the challenge, but I managed to avoid making it an actual work of fiction so that's always good.
The job I have is massively undermining my mental health, and being a creature of habit (to put it mildly) means a change of routine, even from a bad routine, gets my hackles up (to put it mildly) but it's just gotta be done - I'm quite certain it'll sweep the leg of a large chunk of the low level problems I'm having these days.

Otherwise, once that's sorted, it'd be nice to go over the bottom side of the car - with the Puma I always had issues with suspension stuff and I'd like to just nuke that from the off by doing some choice polybushing. Then a slightly fruitier (but not massively) exhaust. Then sort out the house a bit, etc.

All these things require money and time that I don't have at the moment - get some of that and I suspect things will get a lot less stressy.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Gavin »

Seems I wanted to go ful time in a non sales job. Covid rather humped the employment market and I hung on and on at my current place as we had discussed a few developments to give me a challenge but when my contract change came, it was essentially a bit shit but by then I had chosen not to go for a few civil service jobs (decent wage, pension, benefits, flexi-time etc) so I shall roll that over to 2021 and hope things start to open up and there are new opportunities. Maybe as border guard on a new Hadrian's Wall? :D

Also new bathroom goes in in February, new internal doors go in end of January, new 12 x 6 shed been ordered and now looking for a garden office/sun room for kids to hang out in and stick a wee woodburner in for sitting out of an evening.

Also want to flog the Bongo and get something slightly bigger and better suited to stuff what we do.

My daughter will hit 13 in a few moths so will also try and be understanding and empathetic when she is being a bumface.

Would also really like to get out and about and see my family, it is huge and I have barely seen anyone as none are remotely local.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Nefarious »

Nefarious wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:39 pm
Last year Nefarious wrote: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:17 am I really can't moan about 2018. In retrospect, it will maybe be remembered as the year when it all started to come together:
- The property count reached double figures with a nice little project in February (mean flat, but great yield, and came with a free garage :-)). Critical mass has really helped calm my anxiety over the true long-term sustainability of my "retirement". Experience gained has also allowed me to start doing contract jobs too, which are fun, easy and give a nice bit of pocket money.
- The racing podiums started to come. Who'd've thought that it might be tricky for a couple of 30-something blokes with no experience to turn up and beat pro teams in factory-supported cars? Well, now five years in, and unlikely as it may seem, it's starting to happen.
- I finally made some proper progress with the climbing. After a couple of years stuck around the 6b level, I decided that a bigger effort was required. Helped by the best partner I've ever had, by July I was touching 7a level, which really opens up lots of exciting outdoor opportunities. Unfortunately, a couple of injuries later in the year saw things slide a bit, but even that's got a silver lining, as it's got me into pilates and a far better understanding of how my body actually works (including why MMA fighting isn't the sport for me ;-)).
- My friend got better. I've watched my good friend Barry (ex-racing team manager who I share garage space with) deteriorate in his health quite significantly over the last couple of years. Twice I've seen him taken away in ambulances with suspected heart attacks, and seen him spend long periods too tired to even make it out of his own flat - but the quacks just couldn't get to the bottom of it. In December this year, some bright spark took another look at his ECGs and realised it was an electrical problem. He had a pacemaker fitted (under local, in a morning), and was at a gym class three days later.

Plans for 2019:
Well, I'm just going to take it as it comes. Opportunities for fun and productive shit seem to be flowing quite readily at the moment. Cars, boats, and hovercraft will all undoubtedly feature and I've every intention of getting back to where I was on the climbing wall once I shake a niggling elbow issue. Will definitely do some more contract building work. I've had some interest from the hovercraft company to develop a turbocharged version of their standard engine, which would be entertaining for a few weeks if it comes off. Who knows, but bring it on ;-)
Well, some of that happened, some less so.
Big feature of the year was a massive contract job - bare brick renovation of am Edwardian house. 19 weeks working on it before it all went a bit sour at the end when the client ran out of money. Bit sad not to have got the "wow" moment at the end (stopped with 10 days to go), and it's never nice to leave a personal relationship on less than amicable terms, but it was ridiculously lucrative, and gained loads of new skills and experience.
Racing went pretty well this year too - 2nd place in the championship with a couple of outright wins - far better than could really have been hoped for really, and unlikely to ever be matched (if I'm honest about my true skill level!). Still, it's nice to be able to mark it up in the history books and tell the grandkids I was at least once competent.
Climbing hasn't been fantastic - I've been pretty much entirely without a decent partner - but at least I've maintained a level around the 6b+/6c mark, so maybe 2020 will be the year the 7a finally tumbles
Hovercraft and boat still has been a bit of a damp squib, TBH. After all the hype and excitement at the beginning of the year, the arctic trip is looking decreasingly likely to ever happen. Mostly because TV people are money-grabbing, lying cunts who would happily see me drown/freeze if it made for better ratings. Shame after so much effort has been expended on it, but I'm still looking forward to getting the Big Red Bastard running properly and scooting across the Firth of Forth for fish and chips.

I guess 2020 will be more of the same. Got some ideas for next season's racing, so maybe I can maintain my competitiveness. Got some vague plans around other property stuff which may or may not come to anything depending on luck and money. Need to keep on top of the fitness/activity thing, as motivation has slipped a bit in recent months. We'll just have to see how it goes...
All a bit predictable for 2020, given circumstances.
Work-wise, not much doing on the contract front, although a couple of minor kitchen/bathroom jobs paid for this years racing. On the letting front it's been a case of damage limitation - at the beginning of first lockdown, I mentally wrote off £15k, but am now very pleased to report that, thanks to my tenants mostly being decent human beings, it was nothing like that bad. One slight annoyance was the latest purchase falling through in March, and failure to find an alternative in a rising market. Still hoping for a softening of demand in Q1 2021 to bring prices back down within reach without the need for more financing. Still, I can't really complain about rising prices with a dozen properties already in the bag.
Racing was errr...emotional. The club cancelled our season, and I kinda ended up being the custodian of single-seater racing in Scotland. Learned a lot about the politics of the game, and at least got to go racing a bit, even if mechanical misfortune kept any decent results out of reach. And then, of course, there was Colin's accident. Still remains to be seen what impact that will have on my long term future in racing.
Climbing has been a bit of an unexpected high. I really expected that months out of the game would have busted me back a couple of grades at least, but I obviously did something right during lockdown, and I returned to find my upper body strength the best its ever been, and that elusive 7a realistically within reach.
Hovercraft and boats have seen a very poor showing this year, with absolutely zero progress on either front. I think we'll be moving to get the Red Bastard sold on ASAP, but the boat should hopefully see some action this year, even if just in support of the e-boat project.

As far as goals for 2021 are concerned, its a bit difficult to know what's realistically going to be possible.
I'd like to get another flat bought ASAP, then more of the same on the work front.
I'm already in fairly hardcore training for the next assault on the climbing wall, but that's all reliant on my motivation holding up long enough to see the climbing centres open again...we'll see.
Racing-wise, it'll be another tough year fighting to keep the championship alive. Been toying with the idea of doing a couple of arrive-and-drives just to have a go at a different flavour of motorsport in preparation for my eventual retirement. Again, will just play it by ear.
Basically, the aim overall is for a holding position across the board, and if I can snaffle a couple of little wins along the way, that'd be nice.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by duncs500 »

Moved late-ish in 2019 and was happy with our new place, still really happy with it. I'm so glad we got in to this place before covid struck, it would have been a nightmare being locked down in our old place, so it made a big difference to be someone we both really love.

I didn't really expect to be able to buy a car I liked this year, but after months of being locked down not spending money, and a bit of evonomics I managed to buy the Lotus in June which I'm so happy with. I think I got a good deal, and no longer have any car related debts, so that feels really good. It means I don't have the emergency slush fund I wanted to build up, but I can focus on that now.

Although I didn't mention it last year, we were planning to try for a baby in 2020, so that's pretty much all gone according to plan. She seems healthy and everything is as it should be (lack of sleep included!).

Health wise, I started going to the gym/swimming regularly in October (lockdown hadn't been kind to the waisteline), which is a real change in behavior for me. I haven't really lost weight I guess, but definitely got less flabby and a little fitter. Shame it's closed now, and having a baby has messed me up a bit, but I will be looking to get back into an exercise routine once back at work. Unlike previous times, I've done it once now, so I'm sure I can get back into the routine.

Work has (once again) been the only part of my life where I'm not really happy, and it has got me down at times last year. I was furloughed in the summer, and was made to feel pretty worthless on the back of politics that were outside of my control. Back end of the year has been a bit better, but I still hate it and as my satisfaction is so low that it's a constant battle to keep my motivation up. Covid cost me a move into a freelance role on a lot of money (lockdown hit a matter of weeks before I was due to hand my notice in, and the role disappeared), however, if covid had hit later I would have been in an far worse pickle so I count myself lucky in the end that I've been employed throughout and although I had a temporary pay cut we have been financially secure.

In truth though 2020 has not been a bad year at all for us, the wife had a horrendous commute which would have been really bad with the pregnancy, but thanks to covid she was able to work from home for the duration, and I will always be thankful for that. All our loved once remain in one piece and we are still earning. It's as much as we could ask for, and we are thankful.

Personal life wise I've not got too much in my sights except for trying to enjoy it as much as I can, try to be a better husband and father, and enjoy watching the little one develop.

As usual work is big on my agenda, I really need to make a change. I don't know what the economy and jobs market are going to be like next year, but certainly HS2 isn't any harm in terms of absorbing a fair amount of people (most of it doesn't really appeal to me, but helps open other opportunities). I do have a few irons in the fire at the moment, so with a bit of luck one of them will pan out, although I won't hold my breath.

Need to keep going with the exercise, which might suffer if I do get a new job that I may need to throw myself into, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Looking forward to enjoying the Lotus and ticking a few things off the to-do list in terms of both the car and the garage.

Just like everyone else, some time with friends in the pub and maybe a beer festival or two wouldn't go a miss as soon as possible as well!

All in all, bring it on, looking forward to 2021.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by JonMad »

duncs500 wrote: Wed Dec 30, 2020 6:41 pm I'll come back to this thread, but for those that posted last year, see link too see how you got on: Clicky
Well I was fairly non committal for 2020. Haven’t learned the guitar yet. Long term project came to an abrupt end before Christmas so ‘21 might be more varied in that regard. Bought myself a watch to celebrate 25 years at the Big Blue. Sold the Megane. Bought a Swift Sport. Bent the bumper of the Fabia (see sig), bought a spare for 99p.

Paid off the main house mortgage so that’s nice. Wife already has patio plans for any spare income. I don’t think there are any serious holiday plans going to be made.

I guess ‘21 will be about carrying on trying to stay healthy, trying to avoid being made redundant on the worst possible terms and hoping the kids are at school because the home schooling was hard work - mainly for my wife whose hairdressing business has been somewhat more affected than my public sector IT job.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Pete_ »

I normally end up writing a book in this thread so going to keep it short this year.

2020 was mostly uneventful thankfully. Had holiday plans cancelled and struggled a bit working from home in a small shared london flat, but thankfully still have a job so can't complain.

My main goal for this year is to come up with a firm plan for moving away from the UK - South America or Asia are where I'm thinking about at the moment. It's something I've wanted to do for a while but I've always gone with the safe options of education and work in the UK. I'm turning 30 next year which freaks me out a bit, especially as a lot of my friends are getting married and having children, and I really want to live a bit more adventurously before I find myself 'settling down'. I want to see through the project I'm doing at work (the first time in my career that I might be able to show some actual impact from the work I've been doing) which ends in summer 2022 and was thinking about moving after that... although having been working remotely since March I guess it doesn't matter whether I do my job from my flat 1.5 miles from the office or from the other side of the world, so let's see if there's any option of that.

Last year I said I wanted to look at investment options for my savings, I haven't made much progress on that but more convinced about property rather than investment funds, so want to do something about that before I move away.
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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by Jimmy Choo »

I never got round to the party and throwing my wedding ring in the Docks. That will have to wait.

The 9-3 became uneconomical to repair when the clutch started slipping on boost and combined with the wayward front end, I was glad to be shot of it at the end of August. I've done 2,000 miles in the Jag XJ6 so far (which used to be about a month's driving. It's very comfy and really encourages whafting about. An occasional scream up the rev range of the upgraded half an Aston V12 (It's the duratech from the ST220 with variable cam timing along with the variable length inlets) is still very entertaining and despite it's ridiculous 5.03m length, it's surprisingly light. I was enjoying sliding it round in the snow yesterday where it's really progressive on breakaway.

There are a whole world of electrical niggles that I'm happy to put up with for now and will address at some point but it makes me very happy.

The weekend before Christmas, something else that makes me happy happened. I'm finally in my new home. Despite not having a chain, it's taken since July as the bank have been a pain in the backside. There's loads to do as it's been neglected. So far, I've had the boiler fixed, the house need rewiring, the previous owners apparently weren't aware of wall plugs, the roof of the bay window turned into a swimming pool and the door to the workshop need a new mechanism.

Oh yes, I have a workshop. Once I get the power reconnected, that will be where I can get my creative on.

I've managed a few socially distanced dates and met some lovely women.

Despite my mental health taking a battering over the year, I'm positive about what 2021 will bring.

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Re: 2020 review / 2021 plans

Post by PaulJ »

One project for 2021 is to get a tiny photo of my car as my avatar. Time will tell if this is ever achieved or whether my hopes and dreams will once again be dashed on the jagged rocks of techno phobia!
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