Funking cars

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Funking cars

Post by V8Granite »

So I want to do a repair on a hydraulic line in the 500e, so that I can use it as the family bus while I fix the tailgate fault on the ML. This is after some recent Flewy work on the Defender.

So the sun is shining and because it’s the best on fuel I take the TT to my parents garage where I keep the 500e. One more job off the list I think, how the world will be a nicer place. Apart from the very second I pull off the dual carriageway the downpipe breaks away with no warning leaving my car sounding like an F-Type with the popping and banging. This was amusing for 2 seconds and then became tiresome.

So today I fixed a car and am in no better position than I was yesterday.


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Re: Funking cars

Post by GG. »

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