For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

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For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by MikeHunt »

I have been doing some research about sim racing, it looks like a hobby that can escalate just as easily as car ownership.

As I already own an xbox one x, a large tv, forza horizon 5 and forza motorsport 7, I am thinking that something like a Logitech G920 is a relatively low cost entry point. I know people look down on horizon but it's fun and a wheel is surely more realistic than using a controller.

After watching a few videos, YouTube starting spamming me and I was impressed to discover Gran Turismo 7 on the ps5 with vr2. This would cost circa £1600, which is arguably a lot of cash for what isnt a true sim, but from what I have seen it is very immersive. It does feel like vr is the way forward for racing sims.

It seems that iRacing and Assetto Corsa are really popular, but need a decent pc and im not sure my ageing i7 Razer laptop with 64gbram and an RTX5000 will be up to the task. Im also slightly worried that it will be a repeat of that time my 12 year old nephew beat me 3 nil on Fifa.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by scotta »

Don't buy a 920. They are shit. They have a design flaw that breaks the control wire from the base when its just handily out of warranty.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by mik »

Doing it seriously serious, you can of course spend £loadz (and although the law of diminishing returns still applies - the more expensive shizzle is better)

You'll be able to have some fun with your XBox however, without splashing out too much, and can see if it grabs you / whether you have the time to indulge yourself & therefore whether you want to increase your budget.

I'd love to spend £lots more, but I struggle to justify it for the time I manage to spend gaming (sim-ing?). For hardware I went for Thrustmaster (T300RS), and recently upgraded my pedals (to Thrustmaster T-LCM) to have a load-cell brake pedal (measures force applied to the pedal as opposed to pedal position - again feels more real and much easier to trail-brake).

Best wheel in the world will still be hard to use unless you have a reasonably stable mounting - I want for XRocker seat and stand - it's not solid but it's also not a sproingy mess, and isn't crazy monies.

GT7 is popular so you'll always get an online race with a bunch of other real people, but it's too simcade for me. Project Cars 2 can be had new, wrapped for £10.... far less people playing it, but hugely more realistic.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by Mito Man »

The Forza games are crap on a wheel, in particular the Horizon series, they’re set up for controller. GT7 is better but I never liked how most the cars feel.
If you want to stick with a console to see if you like it there’s still some good games although I don’t know how the force feedback translates on console vs PC.
Assetto Corsa and ACC are available Xbox and feel good. PC2 as Mik mentions is also good overall but some cars on it are shit. Obviously no modding on a console so you’re stuck with vanilla.
I’m still running a G29 clamped to my office desk after all these years :lol:
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by MikeHunt »

Thanks for the feedback, appreciated. Will take a closer look at Assetto Corsa and ACC.

Are the G920 unique for shared on the G29/G923? Worth avoiding altogether for the Thrustmaster?

Im leaning towards GT7, but it's a lot of cash for something that is maybe getting towards the middle of its lifecycle.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by scotta »

To run ACC you need a series X. Its shit otherwise. laggy, Frames skipped ect.

PCARS 2 is about the best on xbox but they fucked it by releasing the utterly dog shit PCARS 3 which scuttled the franchise.

You can play Forza 8 on xbox one x using cloud gamin if you have decent internet. ITs slowly getting better but not a patch on PCARS 2 for wheel feel and driving. Ultimately its a controller game. There are big changes you need to make to the standard wheel settings to get it anything near usable.Watch this for info.

There is a new Asetto Corsa game coming soon but i expect it will be next gen only.

Kit wise ive got the Thrustmaster TS-XW base with the Sparco wheel, Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals with the load sensor, TH8a Shifter, Generic ebay button box and mounted all on a Gt Omega ART cockpit with the shifter stand. Ive also got a wireless Steel Series Arctis 9x headset which is excellent.

I run it all on a Series X.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by KiwiDave »

I've only tried a VR headset once and it made me feel really sick pretty quickly. Whether that happens or not seems to be quite a personal thing. It was a while ago now, but I think it was because your eyes are telling you you're going to experience 'X' but your body isn't moving or weighting up accordingly and the mismatch between the two caused the issues.

FWIW I'm using a Next Level Racing GT stand and seat etc and an old Panasonic TV, I don't find much need for more than that. I am on a donated Logitech G9something which is fine, but the main thing I'm banging heads against is I have zero sense of brake pressure and load. I tend to just slam the pedal down and because there's no feedback it's only when you're understeering past an apex you realise you're locked up as opposed to stopping as hard as possible. Trying to learn my way around that now, but I can see the benefit of proper load based pedals.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by davejevons »

I’ve been sim racing for a few years now and typically race a couple of times a week online. It can be very addictive and also very frustrating.

It’s a hobby which either draws you in or you drift off quite quickly. Lots of people start with a G29 type thing and end up upgrading.

I bought an aluminium rig, seat and the basic fanatec setup with an ultrawide monitor and it has served us well. The only things we have upgraded are the pedals.

The temptation is to think it’s the wheel that matters. It’s not. It’s the brake pedal. I’m would strongly recommend a loadcell pedal.
On VR, it’s very very good but lots of people find it makes them nauseas and it doesn’t work with all games.

If you can get to a sim racing place to try it out I’d encourage you to try it first. Some car cafe places have them. That will give you a feel if it’s just a passing thing or truly addictive.

Finding a good community to be part of where you can learn from others and share experiences with makes a big difference to how likely you are to stick with it.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by Jimmy Choo »

An ExGF had labyrinthitis and after having a go on a VR headset, was really ill. Fortunately, while I was searching for her medication back at the lodge we were staying at, she found a bar that did flights of sherry and got pissed which seemed to help. :lol:

I've got a Samsung TV and G9whatsit but I also use a Quest2 headset. While it's fiddly, its significantly more immersive. Depth perception and the ability to look around and into apexes makes it much, much easier to drive. Load cell pedals would be my next upgrade.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by MikeHunt »

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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by mik »

MikeHunt wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:48 pm Bullet bitten
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by Zonda_ »

What’s it like wearing VR headsets with glasses?
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by Matty »

MikeHunt wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:48 pm Bullet bitten
Haha - go big or go home 8-)

PSVR2 will get official compatibility with the PC toward the end of the year too, which is nice. It's a great headset.
Zonda_ wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:48 pm What’s it like wearing VR headsets with glasses?
It's OK - there's room between eyes and VR lenses, but I kept having the issue where my glasses would keep hitting the headset, so tended to play with my contacts in. Not sure on PSVR, but you could buy replacement optics for some headsets that matched your current pescription to make it easier.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by MikeHunt »

Last time I drove a Mazda Demio, it was a courtesy car.
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by nuttinnew »

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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by mik »

MikeHunt wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:14 pm <stuff>
Update required please :geek: 8-)
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by mik »

mik wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:03 am
MikeHunt wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:14 pm <stuff>
Update required please :geek: 8-)
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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by Jimmy Choo »

mik wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 8:54 am
mik wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:03 am
MikeHunt wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:14 pm <stuff>
Update required please :geek: 8-)
He's clearly been put in the game.

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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by MikeHunt »

Jimmy Choo wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 9:40 am
mik wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 8:54 am
mik wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:03 am

Update required please :geek: 8-)
He's clearly been put in the game.

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Re: For the FTAO of Sim racing folk

Post by MikeHunt »

So far it's been a right laugh and a lot of fun. Everything feels so real, from the little details on the cars to the way the speed hits you. Being able to turn your head to see the car alongside you makes its like you're actually there on the track and the lightning is insane. I am slowly increasing my skills and gaining licences which almost turns it into a job, but is worth it as it does improve your control.

I splashed out on a GT Omega Classic wheel and pedal stand, which works really well considering I'm using it with my old La-Z-Boy chair which is better than taking over my office. If one of my mate had this setup, Id probably rip the piss. For a truly immersive racing experience, you can't go wrong and at circa £1500 it was a lot of cash but probably worth it and just imagine what the next gen will be like. I have considered a gearstick, but Im assaying it will have a strange feel and the paddle shift is fine for now.

Everyone wants a go, some folks do get a bit dizzy after a while, especially if they push it past half an hour. The other thing is, setting everything up can be a bit of a faff. Unfolding the stand, plugging in the headset, headphones, and wheel – it takes a bit of time. Not quite the same as just grabbing the controller for a quick blast on FIFA or Forza with a controller. Saying that, I havent once played it on the tv with a controller.

Gran Turismo is amazing, especially for the cars geeks amongst us, but there is a part of me that misses being able to just explore freely like you can in Forza Horizon and if they added that aspect too, it would be great. The only real negative is that I haven't found any other vr games that appeal yet. Dull, but Id have probably gone for another driving game such as F1 if it was vr enabled.

Even a lightly modified Nissan 200 without traction control can be a handful, probably realistic reflection of my real world driving skills. :lol:
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