Nefarious wrote: ↑Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:57 am
"Grime" isn't my usual bag, but I thought this was quite fun
Thats cool! I'm completely disconnected from grime and uk rap or whatever that scene might be called, however there's a few tunes have come across my radar that I always enjoy, even though some are quite ancient
It's the 35th anniversary of De La Soul's seminal 3 Feet High and Rising next Friday. They've uploaded Freedom of Speak (We Got Three Minutes) which was the B-side to their first single but wasn't on 3 Feet High and Rising (except for inclusion on the second disk of a rare 2-disk special edition which I don't have). It's great; based on a few James Brown hooks. I'd not heard it before so thought I'd share:
Jobbo wrote: ↑Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:55 am
It's the 35th anniversary of De La Soul's seminal 3 Feet High and Rising next Friday. They've uploaded Freedom of Speak (We Got Three Minutes) which was the B-side to their first single but wasn't on 3 Feet High and Rising (except for inclusion on the second disk of a rare 2-disk special edition which I don't have). It's great; based on a few James Brown hooks. I'd not heard it before so thought I'd share:
De la soul and Roller Skating Jam is one of the finest songs to ever be created.
Just a short piece for a Thursday morning. Loving the harmonies he's creating - first watched it on my phone and wondered if he was using an Octaver to help, but non
Just back from seeing Johnny Marr (and his excellent band) at the Glasgow Kelvingrove Bandstand. Torrential rain before the gig broke into clear skies, and it was totally dry through the music.
Never seen him before and not familiar with his “solo” stuff, but I’d heard he was known to play Smiths stuff too. Turned out about 40% of the tunes he played were classic Smiths bangers. Enjoyed it WAY more than I was expecting to.
Bandstand is such an intimite location too. Close to the band - sound was excellent, and though everyone is invariably standing, the stepped seating means everyone gets a decent view and you effectively have your own space to stand/shuffle in without some over-stimulanted tosser constantly bumping into you.
mik wrote: ↑Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:08 am
Just a short piece for a Thursday morning. Loving the harmonies he's creating - first watched it on my phone and wondered if he was using an Octaver to help, but non
Not sure if you've ever heard of Morphine?
But if you enjoyed this video, you might like their stuff
The video immediately made me think of Morphine's sound
mik wrote: ↑Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:45 pm
Just back from seeing Johnny Marr (and his excellent band) at the Glasgow Kelvingrove Bandstand. Torrential rain before the gig broke into clear skies, and it was totally dry through the music.
Never seen him before and not familiar with his “solo” stuff, but I’d heard he was known to play Smiths stuff too. Turned out about 40% of the tunes he played were classic Smiths bangers. Enjoyed it WAY more than I was expecting to.
We saw him supporting Noel Gallagher last weekend. He really was excellent. Made me want to bin the piano off and start looking at guitars.
Very impressive, however, videos like this make me wonder why it always seems to be Americans who seem to go to obsessive lengths over some niche skill? It's virtually always Americans who are doing those 'throw a disc into a PS5'-style videos too. Although they all copied the OG Joe Charman from Vine, of course
This popped up on my YouChoob feed today. I recognise Jack Conte (keyboards and jumpy-up-and-down dude) from Pomplamoose - although this is Scary Pockets. I hadn't heard of the latter, but whilst checking this out I discovered that Jack is also co-founder and CEO of Patreon. Did not know.
Anyway - I am not sure I'd argue that this is better than the original, but
- I do like a cover that isn't a straight cover
- Great production. Listen for any instrument and you can follow it.
- All of them proper musicians. That's some funky bass.
- Lovin' the vocals (all of them)
I don't know how I missed this last year, given I'm a huge fan of Chino's, but it never ceases to amaze me how even 30+ years after arriving on the scene with Deftones, he's still evolving and putting out such great music.