Webinar blindness

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Webinar blindness

Post by Gavster »

I have a severe case of webinar blindness. I can register for the most exciting, relevant webinar, and my brain will somehow ignore it in my diary, it will totally switch off when a reminder pops up and I'll somehow forget to log on. I miss 90% of the webinars I sign up for. For the remaining 10% where I do finally remember to turn up, I've usually given up after 15 minutes. Webinars are largely pointless as far as I'm concerned. This might well be a neurodivergent thing :lol:
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Re: Webinar blindness

Post by RobYob »

Constant Partial Attention is a phrase I heard and stuck with me. I am terrible at having multiple screens, windows and devices in view at all times. Very few webinars I attempt to watch manage to hold my attention against that distraction load.

The other thing that felt so close to home it was a personal judgement was the TED talk on Procrastination.
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