2023 review / 2024 plans

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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by duncs500 »

duncs500 wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:07 pm With work it's just a case of fighting on, keep trying to come up with more ways to be efficient, and wrestle it into a better place. It's taking longer than expected, but I have to believe we can get there. I still like the company, and they've taken care of me relatively well, but the client is a monumental cunt and that has been harder than expected to change. Got to just try to stay professional and do my best I reckon. I am feeling less ambitious than I used to, at the moment at least, having a good work life balance is just more important to me.

In my personal life, really looking forward to see the little one advance, I think it can be hard for dads to have a good relationship before they can talk, but I can see it getting easier and more fun for me with every passing few months. Definitely going to go on holiday abroad this year with the family, after a couple of years at home, so that should be great although more challenging with the child. Money wise, a couple of big expenses early in the year, then I want to build up a bit of a buffer to keep us comfortable, feels like we should be able to do that unless something major changes.

Diet is starting today, lots of work to do, but I've done it before successfully so hopefully can recreate that. I need to. Looking to put more structure to my exercise too, so lets see how that goes.

Keen to do more with the Lotus again, this might well be my year with that. With the bbq, I want to focus on consistency, and turning out good stuff time and again. Do want to do a brisket at some point though.

That's it really, another holding year to some extent, not too many grand plans. Hopefully everyone can stay healthy.
Well 2023 was nothing like that. It was a mostly shit year, not really a holding year, and generally a year of total flux.

Losing YK was an early blow, I didn’t think it would affect me as much as it did, but as well as making me feel more mortal, he’s still often on my mind. Then losing my mum quite unexpectedly in June was obviously horrible.

I think related to these two events my approach to work changed (I still can picture the time YK told me with a smile that all he wanted from work was an ok salary and an easy life). Work hadn’t improved throughout the year, and I realised that it wasn’t going to, so after some soul searching I decided by late summer it was time to make some fundamental changes. Luckily I was able to find a an opportunity to change roles, be supported while I upskilled, and also where they valued my previous near-two-decade experience enough that the pay cut was manageable. So far I am loving the new job.

My daughter has advanced really well, it’s been a rollercoaster (as it probably is with most toddlers) but she’s a really bubbly and confident kid for the most part now. It hasn’t been plain sailing for the wife and I, we’ve had some rough spells, but I think we’ve both been really trying to be better versions of ourselves through various methods in the latter part of the year, and I think we are starting to see the benefits of that.

The Lotus has really been one of the few beacon’s of light in 2023. Since I got it back from Dan I’m so happy with it, it’s intoxicating to drive and have really enjoyed planning each of the next thing I want to do with it in terms of tweaking it (I’ve never really been into the whole ‘modifying’ thing, but I can see why some people are now). I haven’t stretched its legs on track yet (almost certainly would have if YK was still around :(), but it’s been out to various events and bits since I’ve had it back. Having C&M less than half an hour away has been a game changer since it opened in September time, just always a good target destination to take a drive out, have a coffee, see some interesting cars, and usually end up chatting cars with people has really enhanced my enjoyment of the car too.

In summary, 2023 was mostly a shit year, but my big hope is that some of the results of that are reasons to be positive for the future.

I’m really excited for 2024, I need everyone stay healthy and alive though first and foremost though!

Work wise, just looking to build on the good start I’ve made in the last couple of months, grow my skills and enjoy it. I have been determined to just focus on my job and not get too ambitious, but sometimes I’m frustrated with myself because I can’t help but look further ahead. Need to try to keep a lid on that, and just use it in a positive way rather than get frustrated if I think I’m not getting recognition etc.

At home, I just want to enjoy life with the family, watch the little one grow and see my wife smiling a bit more. I think as the little one becomes more self sufficient the pressure gradually releases on the stresses of parenthood, so should be a better year for that.

Car wise, just continue on my journey of getting the car where I want it to be, and use it at every opportunity. This year I discovered the local classic car club, which does some great meets particularly in the summer, so that’s got me out and about more, and with C&M there as well, and a neighbour and mate/colleague who are usually keen to join in on car stuff, I feel like I’ve got a nice little mini community that is really making it fun to talk about cars and have an excuse to go places. Just want to add a bit of track to that to allow me to enjoy a bit more of the envelope of the car.

Other plans, keep bbqing, sort the garden out a bit, and sort the garage out. I’ve been spending more time in there tinkering with the car and it does my head in that it’s so dusty and disorganised.
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Pete_ »

Despite some very positive noises from my manager at the end of 2021, my sabbatical request was turned down (they can't afford to lose me for three months apparently), so I had to 'make do' with a three week holiday in India (basically Mumbai to Delhi through Rajasthan) followed by a further three weeks working remotely in a beach hut in Goa. It was a great trip, but even on a tropical beach I felt all the usual work related stresses and anxiety that I feel when working remotely in London. Mentally, I'm much better in the office, and have ordinarily been going in every day this year. On the job front, the project I work on got additional funding and was extended to June 2023. It's not entirely clear what I'll be doing after that - there'll likely be an opportunity to stay in some form, but I think it's time to get a new job elsewhere.

I don't yet have any plans for holidays this year - I'd like to go somewhere but it's likely to be a shorter / cheaper trip than this years.

Other than getting a new job, my main goals are about getting fitter and going to the gym regularly. Last year had some good patches in that regard but from August onward with the India trip, then feeling ill / being busy it went downhill.

I didn't drive a car last year either.

Still in the same job. In the early part of the year it was badly affecting my mental health but since my manager left in the summer I'm enjoying it a lot more. I'd still like to find something new, but don't feel rushed to leave now.

Had a great long weekend away with friends in Macedonia at the beginning of the year. Also went on a holiday to Switzerland and Austria with a sex worker who I'd only previously met once when we went on a date three years ago (that was before she got into this line of work) - she ended up running away after the first three days (long story and not as dodgy as it sounds!). I continued the holiday without her and enjoyed it a lot. Next year I'd like another long-haul holiday and maybe another European trip with friends, we've had a few non-committal conversations about Croatia.

I got a new flatmate in the spring who I found to be quite irritating. He's not a bad person but had quite a negative energy and I think I'm at a point in my life where I want a lot more control over my environment, not being told that I should have a cleaning schedule and that it's my turn to buy the soap. I realized this year that even on my currently salary I may be able to buy an apartment in 2024 so that's a current goal if the right property comes up at the right price, but I'm looking at some of the cheapest studio / 1 bed flats in London so finding one I like will be a challenge.

My flatmate moved out this morning and rather than get a new flatmate I'm going to try running an airbnb in the spare bedroom. I'm expecting it to feel like a second job but at least I can control when people are with me and have a few days to myself between guests. If it goes well I'll potentially get more money from airbnb guests that I would from a full time flatmate as well, and may not feel the need to move out and buy my own place (which financially would be a worse decision). I got lucky with a five-week long booking being made for jan/feb so that's given me some confidence to push ahead with it and spend a bit of money making the flat into a nice place for people to stay. I'm quite excited to get stuck into the decorating now.
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Jobbo »

Pete_ wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:06 pm
Had a great long weekend away with friends in Macedonia at the beginning of the year. Also went on a holiday to Switzerland and Austria with a sex worker who I'd only previously met once when we went on a date three years ago (that was before she got into this line of work) - she ended up running away after the first three days (long story and not as dodgy as it sounds!).
This story needs to be told now, Pete, or we are all going to have an image of you kidnapping her to take her overseas where she managed to get away 😂
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by duncs500 »

Jobbo wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:27 pm
Pete_ wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:06 pm
Had a great long weekend away with friends in Macedonia at the beginning of the year. Also went on a holiday to Switzerland and Austria with a sex worker who I'd only previously met once when we went on a date three years ago (that was before she got into this line of work) - she ended up running away after the first three days (long story and not as dodgy as it sounds!).
This story needs to be told now, Pete, or we are all going to have an image of you kidnapping her to take her overseas where she managed to get away 😂
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Simon »

Jobbo wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:00 am Good luck with that Simon - giving yourself 10 years to buy a forever home in the SE plus two more houses, then retire - while your kids are still at school - sounds particularly ambitious! Hope the bank job comes off 😄

We can do an one of the houses now, not all 3. Brazil place will be £40k GBP, Portugal maybe £250k ish. Our forever home is £200k more than the current place which we can do now but can't find it! Unfortunately inheritances will fix all of this but want to do it but ourselves.
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by KiwiDave »

I've wanted to participate in this thread for like the last two maybe three years, but each time it's come around, frankly my own mental health hasn't been in a fit place to type something out without triggering the fuck out of myself.

This year all I can muster is a big nope. Fuck 23, and may it get better real quick.

But I will say this: you splendid bunch of cunts (and former cunts of this shire) have been at the receiving end of it too, and as well as that, or perhaps because of it, an immense influence on me. Barry, I feel for you for what you've gone through this year. I know Andy Napier went through some bad shit a year ago. Caroline is going through it now. We've had people sharing their own demons here this year, their own massive health scares. In this fucked up world, I've personally taken a lot of strength from you all and the fortitude you've shown while you've fought your own battles. I even confided and asked advice from a few of you about whether to forgive my Dad for some very bad shit in the last few hours he was capable of speaking with me.

For a bunch of lads and lasses I accidentally fell over on the internet what, 25 years ago now, you've turned out to be a great bunch of friends. I've felt that this year, even if I can't muster the strength to type and actually open up about my year past and the one ahead. Thank you.

Next year, maybe.
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Beany »

Aaargh, re the last few hours thing. I'm kinda glad I wasn't on the list to ask about that as I have Opinions about that, having been there and done that. Good you felt comfortable enough with others to get opinions though. Hopefully my own silly, small fairly surface level part in your recent misadventures has been at least a wee bit helpful....

Loss of a parent is always a complete cunts game. Thankfully, it typically only happens a couple of times in your life.
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Pete_ »

duncs500 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:31 pm
Jobbo wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:27 pm
Pete_ wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:06 pm
Had a great long weekend away with friends in Macedonia at the beginning of the year. Also went on a holiday to Switzerland and Austria with a sex worker who I'd only previously met once when we went on a date three years ago (that was before she got into this line of work) - she ended up running away after the first three days (long story and not as dodgy as it sounds!).
This story needs to be told now, Pete, or we are all going to have an image of you kidnapping her to take her overseas where she managed to get away 😂
Ok :lol:

I matched with this girl on a dating app at the start of 2020. At the time she was a very cute looking art student in her early 20s. The date went well, she was very talkative and sweet and we had a good flirty chemistry, but she very clearly had a bit of crazy about her. She'd traveled by bus to the UK from Romania when she was 18 with very little money and nowhere to live when she got here. She ended up moving in with some guy she met at the bus station when she arrived, and got married to him within 6 months - but funnily enough that didn't work out well so she was divorced by the time I met her. She was very religious and on the date she kept talking about some quite unorthodox and questionable philosophy (can't remember exactly what). She also told me that she had previously been dating a guy who said he didn't want to keep seeing her, so she stalked him online to find out what church he went to and went there to confront him. I found her intriguing and would have been up for seeing her again, but covid lockdown happened the week after.

She was very anti-authority and didn't comply with covid restrictions, in fact she took the opportunity to travel to touristy places around the UK while avoiding the crowds. I asked her about the trip she'd taken so Scotland and she sent me a 30 minute voice note about how "god was with me the whole time" for example because she didn't buy train tickets and was able to dodge inspectors on the train, and because she found good places to sleep on the streets when hotels wouldn't let her in.

Our communication lessened over time but I kept following her on Instagram and we messaged sporadically. Last year her raunchy Instagram page came up in the algorithm as 'someone you may know' which had links to her Only Fans and the extra services which she was offering. We talked a bit about it, she still identified as a christian but said "if God wanted us not to have sex he'd have made us lay eggs like chickens." I then started getting lots of messages and voice notes about her business problems (she rented a massage parlor in the basement of a building of legit beauty salons and had to try to hide to them the fact that she was offering extras),and problems she was having with clients. She still seemed to be enjoying the business, and the money was good - she said that she was making £2 - 4k per week profit.

She posted on her normal Instagram profile in June saying she was going on holiday to Switzerland and asked if anyone wanted to join her. I'd been thinking of going to Austria anyway and thought it would be good to have someone to half hotel room costs with so I told her I'd be up for it. 5 weeks later we met for the second time at Gatwick on our way to Switzerland for a two week trip.

The first couple of days went well, it didn't feel like a strange vibe at all. I was no longer physically attracted to her and had absolutely no romantic intentions. The first day we mostly explored Bern together and went for dinner together. She had been very keen to go to Interlaken and wanted to do a couple of day trips there while we were staying in Bern. The train journey to get there was about £100 return so I was happy to do it once but not twice. No problem though, on our second day of the trip she went there while I did other things around Bern. On day three we were both going to go to Interlaken but in the morning she said she was tired and would lay in a bit and get the next train an hour later than mine. While I was on the train I got a message from her saying that she realized she preferred travelling alone and had left. She also blocked me on Whatsapp and all of her instagram profiles so I couldn't reply or get more clarification! I realize it sounds like I must have done something to her, but I didn't, so it's a complete mystery why she didn't just tell me in person - I'd have been absolutely fine with us going our separate ways. At the time I was a bit worried she had stolen my stuff or was trying to take advantage in some way, but thankfully not. Some of her TikTok videos popped up on my feed a couple of days later showing that she was on a boat party in Ibiza so maybe she'd just had a better travel companion offer :?
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Mito Man »

She wanted you to shag her 😉
How about not having a sig at all?
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Pete_ »

Mito Man wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:33 pm She wanted you to pay to shag her 😉
Possibly this!
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Rich B »

She sounds mental*. Definitely sounds like she had some expectation of more (paid) things going on.

(*I mean more mental than a normal woman.)
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by mik »

Pete_ wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:20 pm Some of her TikTok videos popped up on my feed a couple of days later
I feel there’s a missed opportunity for a link here :geek:
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Sundayjumper »

So that we can all judge him viciously on what he turned down ??

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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Jobbo »

That is a brilliant story. Probably not one to tell on future first dates, mind you 😄
She’s clearly a bit of a free spirit capitalist opportunist. I imagine you were - in her mind - inhibiting her hence the disappearing act. Probably for the best, with a great tale to tell 😃
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by IanF »

Well that makes my life sound as boring as sh1t! 😁 .. thanks for sharing though! 👍😂

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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by V8Granite »

Although there is the risk you would have been sacrificed mid coitus, we are all disappointed that you didn’t lay with the crazy. There are times when young men need to take one for the team, face crazy in the face to release a good pub story for your future self.

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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Pete_ »

mik wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:22 pm
Pete_ wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:20 pm Some of her TikTok videos popped up on my feed a couple of days later
I feel there’s a missed opportunity for a link here :geek:
I'm not going to publicly dox her! You have PM ;)

A few other unusual/ crazy things about her
- between me meeting her for the first and second time she unofficially changed the name that she wants to be known by from Ana to Sandra.... It's not her hooker name either that's a different one again
- she bought one of those joke / scam certificates where you supposedly buy a piece of land in Scotland which entitles you to be called Lord / Lady. I assumed she did it somewhat tongue in cheek until I saw a job application she was doing where she put her title as 'Lady'
- She self-published part 1 of her autobiography under the name "Lady Ana...". I'd so love to buy a copy just to see how much of a car crash of the English language it is, but I'm assuming she posts them out herself and would think I'm stalking her if she saw my name / address. Here's the overview from Amazon

I was trying really hard not to shag her as in the period between agreeing to go on holiday with her and going I'd been on several dates with a really nice girl who I wanted to make a good effort with. Realistically if she suggested it I'd probably still have gone along with it, I do have some level of attraction to craziness. The other girl didn't work out anyway.
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Gavster »

Crazy girls are usually the best in bed, it’s all part of the trade-off
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by Matty »

You're all living incredidibly more interesting lives than I am, not always for the better it seems - glad to say I've had a pretty stable year for friends/friends/relationships.

I will throw in that I changed jobs - mentally, it's much better, being back in local authority after the madness of the private sector is a real cleanser....but it's just a little too boring. Sure, the pension is great (24% total contribution, 17.5% being by them) is a winner, and leaving on time each day with no stress is in itself a huge benefit.

A mate of mine knows the owner of a well-known gaming company, and has given me a nudge and a inside word. Huge pay rise (50% potentially, plus various other perks) but does mean a commute to Birmingham daily (I'm no where near a train station, being out in the sticks so no idea how that would work). Again, back in the balance of how much do I want the money vs the stress/commute.
Gavster wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:07 pm For example, I should be getting £1k-2.5k a month from TikTok, but I don't, because of a glitch in their software which they are struggling to fix. My most stable income this year has been as a social media consultant, rather than as a creator.
I'm not on TikTok, how does it stack up against other platforms for revenue per sub/click? That's a livable salary for many people...I've never understood the popularity of the platform but that might explain it!
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Re: 2023 review / 2024 plans

Post by mr_jon »

Still on Islay and have purchased a property here. Love the place and the family continue to thrive for the most part. Work is not brilliant but realistically it's good money and there's not a great deal else IT-wise here - most of the other distilleries do not have on-site IT. '24 I'll try to build my freelancing back up again as I miss the challenge and the extra dollars.
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