2021 review / 2022 plans

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2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by duncs500 »

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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Beany »

My plans for this year are the same a last year, because literally nothing has changed.

That's depressing.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by tim »

Change my mobile number :D
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by DeskJockey »

DeskJockey wrote: Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:34 pm I stated three goals in the previous thread:
* Exercise more - a slight improvement overall, but nothing like what it should be.
* Advance career - tick. As of November I'm managing a team of nine.
* Look after family - massive tick. But then, who hasn't this year?

I'll call it 2.25/3.

Don't know about 2021. Want to see my sister and my dad if we can travel, Friday it'll be a year to the day since I saw them last.

Keep looking after the family, make the most of the situation we find ourselves in.

Buy an electric car.

Probably do some stuff to the house. Replace the last of the old windows, rip up the decking and have it replaced.
Apart from the windows bit, I achieved all of it and built on the three targets I carried over.

This year will be more of the same I think. Might start looking seriously for our next house towards the end of the year. Got a deadline with some work stuff in mind. If it doesn't deliver, I will consider my options. Do more exercise.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Gavin »

"Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:54 am

Seems I wanted to go ful time in a non sales job. Covid rather humped the employment market and I hung on and on at my current place as we had discussed a few developments to give me a challenge but when my contract change came, it was essentially a bit shit but by then I had chosen not to go for a few civil service jobs (decent wage, pension, benefits, flexi-time etc) so I shall roll that over to 2021 and hope things start to open up and there are new opportunities. Maybe as border guard on a new Hadrian's Wall? :D

Also new bathroom goes in in February, new internal doors go in end of January, new 12 x 6 shed been ordered and now looking for a garden office/sun room for kids to hang out in and stick a wee woodburner in for sitting out of an evening.

Also want to flog the Bongo and get something slightly bigger and better suited to stuff what we do.

My daughter will hit 13 in a few moths so will also try and be understanding and empathetic when she is being a bumface.

Would also really like to get out and about and see my family, it is huge and I have barely seen anyone as none are remotely local."

Well I managed pretty much everything on the list1 :D

Full time civil servant
Sold the Bongo and got the Mercedes
New bathroom and doors and shed etc all done
Did manage to catch up with most of my family.

2022 - start saving towards my S4/S6 fund (although that will likely change)
see the rest of my siblings who I've not seen for a while
raise money towards the World Jamboree for the eldest
practice for the Kilt Walk (expect a sponsor link at some point generous people)
Would love to get away for a week in the sun but have no idea if that is likely.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Simon »

Well once again I've ended up carrying over a few days holiday into 2022. Adding in my normal holiday (29 days) carry over (4 days), BH days (8), and company wellness day (they give everyone extra days off because of the stress of Covid over the last 2 years), I will have 48 days off work in 2022. Which isn't too bad I suppose.

We did have someone decorate the dining room but he was absolute crap. Had new windows and boiler fitted, and aiming to put new wooden flooring throughout downstairs and decorate the lounge in '22'.

I suspect car conversations will continue around selling the C and the Yeti and replacing them with 1 car, (GLC, XC60 maybe), but really as we open back up again I'm going to be keeping a close eye on just how much we use both cars at the same time and if 1 is feasible.

Little one starts nursery in 9 days, just a couple of mornings a week to get him socialised a little as Covid has been horrible for him. Originally he was to go in September (3 in October), but he has a speech delay and wanted to get him mixing earlier to see if it helps him. Children from bi-lingual households usually do start speaking later, but it's a worry none-the-less.

Oh, and Brazil likely back on for some time middle of the year too. Let's see if Covid can fuck off once and for all.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Pete_ »

Pete_ wrote: Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:15 pm I normally end up writing a book in this thread so going to keep it short this year.

2020 was mostly uneventful thankfully. Had holiday plans cancelled and struggled a bit working from home in a small shared london flat, but thankfully still have a job so can't complain.

My main goal for this year is to come up with a firm plan for moving away from the UK - South America or Asia are where I'm thinking about at the moment. It's something I've wanted to do for a while but I've always gone with the safe options of education and work in the UK. I'm turning 30 next year which freaks me out a bit, especially as a lot of my friends are getting married and having children, and I really want to live a bit more adventurously before I find myself 'settling down'. I want to see through the project I'm doing at work (the first time in my career that I might be able to show some actual impact from the work I've been doing) which ends in summer 2022 and was thinking about moving after that... although having been working remotely since March I guess it doesn't matter whether I do my job from my flat 1.5 miles from the office or from the other side of the world, so let's see if there's any option of that.

Last year I said I wanted to look at investment options for my savings, I haven't made much progress on that but more convinced about property rather than investment funds, so want to do something about that before I move away.
Getting a one way ticket to a hot country didn't happen, but I have requested that work give me a three month sabbatical in the autumn. I'd like to go to South / Central America but haven't yet put much more thought into it than that.

I did get my finances / investments in order at the start of the year, mainly in index funds rather than property as I'd been thinking about previously, and for the most part the stick market has been very kind this year which is encouraging but I'm anticipating more difficult times ahead.

Work has been a mixed bag this year, I've probably learnt more and achieved more than any previous year but also been struggling with working from home in a small London apartment and been feeling a lot of anxiety about work, and life in general. The upcoming sabbatical, if approved, should help me power through at least until then.

Not much else of note. Had a great holiday in Croatia in October, been trying to intentionally meet new people, started dance lessons but gave up after two classes, been learning guitar on my own and am going to start classes in January.

It's now been two years since I last drove a car and I don't have any plans to do it this year!
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Sundayjumper »

Pete_ wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:27 pm Getting a one way ticket to a hot country didn't happen, but I have requested that work give me a three month sabbatical in the autumn. I'd like to go to South / Central America but haven't yet put much more thought into it than that.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Marv »

Pete_ wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:27 pm
Pete_ wrote: Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:15 pm I normally end up writing a book in this thread so going to keep it short this year.

2020 was mostly uneventful thankfully. Had holiday plans cancelled and struggled a bit working from home in a small shared london flat, but thankfully still have a job so can't complain.

My main goal for this year is to come up with a firm plan for moving away from the UK - South America or Asia are where I'm thinking about at the moment. It's something I've wanted to do for a while but I've always gone with the safe options of education and work in the UK. I'm turning 30 next year which freaks me out a bit, especially as a lot of my friends are getting married and having children, and I really want to live a bit more adventurously before I find myself 'settling down'. I want to see through the project I'm doing at work (the first time in my career that I might be able to show some actual impact from the work I've been doing) which ends in summer 2022 and was thinking about moving after that... although having been working remotely since March I guess it doesn't matter whether I do my job from my flat 1.5 miles from the office or from the other side of the world, so let's see if there's any option of that.

Last year I said I wanted to look at investment options for my savings, I haven't made much progress on that but more convinced about property rather than investment funds, so want to do something about that before I move away.
Getting a one way ticket to a hot country didn't happen, but I have requested that work give me a three month sabbatical in the autumn. I'd like to go to South / Central America but haven't yet put much more thought into it than that.
I spent a month in Costa Rica on my year off in 2017, was one of my favourite places which I visited. Definitely worth spending time there...though it is more expensive that other South/Central american countries.

Columbia is high on the places I want to visit in South America.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by 16vCento »

16vCento wrote: Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:23 pm I got a new job with the same company I've been with 12 years in 2019, meant kits of travelling all over the place which I've really enjoyed, also got more time to spend at home due to higher holiday allowances as well as travelling allowances which is absolutely superb.

2020 has meant its come to a bit of a halt.

Last went abroad in February to Dallas, think I caught covid on the journey either there or back and ended up in hospital on my return.

Not felt right since then, looking forward to my antibody test to see either way!

Job seems to be safe, really great chaps I'm working with and its a great team.

Had hoped to move this year into a forever home but again, Covid stopped that.

Didn't plan on any car changes other than removing the 308. Ended up buying g a R50 Cooper for 300 quid, swapping that for a Discovery 3, loved the Disco then had to sell it due to changing circumstances, then the S60 is going which I never planned on and the 308 is finally going as well!

S60 replaced with XFS if this weekend goes to plan, and 308 with 3008 which means all ends well.

Dad has just had a massive pioneering op which has gone well, and means he should be back to fighting fit next year. It means I need to do a lot more for my parents and grandparents, as only my Dad drives so I'll need to do all their shopping, take them places like the doctors etcs, which under normal circumstances would be fine, but again, covid means its a bit tricky trying to keep them safe.

I tried getting them to do online shopping but they can't get on with it, I'm happy to go do it for them, gets me out for an hour and I get to have a socially distanced chat from their garden with them.

So hopefully next year, all I want is everyone as well as they can be, work back up and running something like, maybe a move and I'd like a professional haircut again 😂
Work has been odd again this year as we still couldn't travel, which is crap.

Dad back to health thanks to The Royal Papworth hospital, and driving so he had his car back, which is super and gave me an excuse to finally buy a car to replace the 308.

308 gone and replaced with the V60, XFS replaced to S60 which I still miss, Activa came and is just in need of a full body rejuvenation and respray, then new discs and pads all round as its been stood and that would be done.

With us wanting to move, I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it done.

Fingers crossed travel will get back to normal soon, I'm really missing flying!

Grandparents health seems to be declining pretty quickly, but we managed to have a big family Christmas this year which was great, everyone in one place, which is hard when people have to come from America and London, hopefully we can see each other a lot more over the next year.

Still need to find a house 🙄

Might buy a C6 if a petrol one comes up.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by speedingfine »

I think I'm going to get the Caterham serviced then sell it :shock: Probably an MX5 to replace it. Or some other boulevard cruiser suitable for the old fart I seem to have turned into :?

Edited to say I've owned it thirteen years :!:
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Zonda_ »

speedingfine wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:35 pm I think I'm going to get the Caterham serviced then sell it :shock: Probably an MX5 to replace it. Or some other boulevard cruiser suitable for the old fart I seem to have turned into :?

Edited to say I've owned it thirteen years :!:
I've been looking at Caterhams but very few for sale. Will you not find an MX5 too slow in comparison?
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by duncs500 »

Marv wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:30 pm
I spent a month in Costa Rica on my year off in 2017, was one of my favourite places which I visited. Definitely worth spending time there...though it is more expensive that other South/Central american countries.

Columbia is high on the places I want to visit in South America.
Colombia is the greatest place I've ever been. Admittedly this was in 2005, so it may have changed. Might have just been a case of right place right time, being mid-twenties at the time, but I like to think there was more to it than that. I don't want to go back for fear it's changed.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by duncs500 »

speedingfine wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:35 pm I think I'm going to get the Caterham serviced then sell it :shock: Probably an MX5 to replace it. Or some other boulevard cruiser suitable for the old fart I seem to have turned into :?

Edited to say I've owned it thirteen years :!:
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by speedingfine »

Zonda_ wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:52 pm
speedingfine wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:35 pm I think I'm going to get the Caterham serviced then sell it :shock: Probably an MX5 to replace it. Or some other boulevard cruiser suitable for the old fart I seem to have turned into :?

Edited to say I've owned it thirteen years :!:
I've been looking at Caterhams but very few for sale. Will you not find an MX5 too slow in comparison?
I am a total codger now it seems, speed doesn't matter much. It's not exactly dog friendly either! I will get it serviced, do a road trip in Wales with the missus to a nice hotel and see if I can relight the fire for driving it. Doubt it though, I'd quite like a heater and a seat not made out of tank tape :lol:
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by Matty »

speedingfine wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:12 pm
I am a total codger now it seems, speed doesn't matter much. It's not exactly dog friendly either! I will get it serviced, do a road trip in Wales with the missus to a nice hotel and see if I can relight the fire for driving it. Doubt it though, I'd quite like a heater and a seat not made out of tank tape :lol:
Sounds like you need an S2 Elise.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by dan »

Finish my Elise.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by mr_jon »

Hoping for a better run with my health. Gonna knock the booze on the head. Hopefully a new job.
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by integrale_evo »

I plan on not buying any more cars without getting rid of something first.

I predict this may not happen 😂
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Re: 2021 review / 2022 plans

Post by RobYob »

RobYob wrote: Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:31 pm Well. In relation to last year's ambitions.
Now nearly completed my second month of being a postman which, if it wasn't for the collosal pay cut I'd be quite happy to take up longer term. 10kgs lost already and I feel fitter than I have in a very very long time. If I'm lucky the post work will see me through til I find some engineering work again. First interview of the year is next week. Although being back working away a lot will be sad compared to the last year.

The true sanity saving grace of 2020 has been or terrific local karate club which put on great virtual classes and then enabled a fast tracked and intense series of gradings that has me now at Brown and hopefully still on track for Black in mid-2022.

Let's hope for a good 2021 all round.
Soo Jobs, got two from those January interviews, one of which lasted for seven months of hellishly stressful remote work on a Chinese EV, the second of which has returned me to Australia after nine years and nine months in the UK.

Nice to get back to see family. Have spent the last month mooching off them including an emergency accommodation call to my brother who is 20min down the road because the toilet in our ancient and much neglected house took the opportunity on new year's day to decide to cease to function.

Still kinda miss being a postman, have returned mostly to being larger than ideal although I'm grimly hanging on the the last remaining belt notch gain I made while endlessly walking. A visit to Unzippy's BBQ joint will smash that too methinks.

Moving countries has meant the karate is sadly going backwards, haven't yet found a new club we like.

As for driving, well pretty much dead as a hobby for me for the foreseeable future. Between catastrophically low Australian speed limits, revenue hungry cops and cameras and a house in need of much attention all cash and time and motivation is gone. Will be buying/leasing an SUV like everyone else here and using it to trundle very slowly around.

2022; new job in an unfamiliar field is fairly scary, lots of excuses to buy power tools for home DIY, some potential for planning bulldozing the whole lot and rebuilding at some point.
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